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Scripted Teacher Manual for Instruction
Independent Activities (pencil & paper printable activities)
Flash Cards
Illustrated Reader
Instructional Reader
Life Skills Maroon Level – Story 2 - “Saying No to Drugs” is the second story from the third level of Failure Free Reading’s four Life Skills Levels. This story talks why is it difficult to say no to drugs and the reasons for staying strong. It is designed to give a straightforward description of the dangers of drugs.
Key words taught in this story are: saying, money, reasons, because, these, stupid, personal, bodies, expensive, caught, sick, ugly, sophisticated, rich, sound, dependent, addicted, bloodshot, choice, rough, price Key phrases taught are: saying no to drugs, is not easy, look like fun, rich and famous, make a smart choice, spend most of their money.
When finished with Maroon Level - Story 2 - “Saying No to Drugs”, your student/child will have completed:
10 pages, 183 unique words, 319 sentences, and 3214 running words and a lexical density of 5.78